The Arriving Soul Family with Jenna Brocious (The Golden Rule Revolution with Lucas Mack

Jenna B is a wife, mother, and spiritually intuitive. Jenna has worn many hats in life trying to find her own purpose outside of the home. With a very supportive husband, Jenna had the time to sit and pray to find what she was meant to do. She feels her purpose is to help, heal and spread love to others.

Having been raised by a single mom and not knowing her dad until the age of 36, Jenna has had many trials and tribulations. As she’s said many times “my mom taught me everything not to do in life”. Talk about some great life lessons at a young age. Jenna decides to take what she learned at a young age and move forward with grace. Just because I came from a certain life did not mean that was meant for me too. Life gave her lemons and she made lemonade (Jenna is a big fan of Beyonce). Jenna never fit in, she was kind of the oddball out and would still consider herself not the norm but as an adult has grown to love and embrace it.

Just because something bad has happened to you doesn’t mean that’s who you are. You only give it power when you let it control you. God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle (Jenna remembers saying that to herself a lot as a young person).


S2 E1 | Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Life with Jenna Brocious


How to Detach From the Outcome and Release Disappointment When Things Don’t Go Your Way with Jenna Brocious, Speaker & Creator of Positive Intention Prayer Cards